API Documentation

Our API is super simple, it is view only and can be used to get real-time data on the pool's performance. We currently only have two endpoints, one for public data and one for private data.

The private endpoint requires the user's apiKey that can be found in their dashboard, changing your password will reset your API key.

  • https://powerpool.io/api2/pool
  • This will return public data on the pool, here is the returned data structure:
      "pools": {
          "hashrate": float,
          "speedUnits": string          #KH, MH, GH, TH, ...
          "speedConversion": float      #The constant to divide to get H (ex. GH: 1000^3)
          "BTCpayRate": float,
          "BTCpayRateSpeedPort": float,
          "BTCaveragePayRate": float,
          "payRateUnits": string        #BTC per KH, MH, GH, TH ... 
          "payRateConversion": float     #The constant to divide to get BTC per H (ex. GH: 1000^3)
          "miners": int,
          "fee": int,
          "blocks": int
        "<ticker>": float,
  • https://powerpool.io/api2/user?apiKey=<apiKey>
  • This will return private data on the user, here is the returned data structure:
      "data": {
        "hashrate": {
            "hashrate": float,
            "speedUnits": string        #KH, MH, GH, TH, ...
            "speedConversion": float    #The constant to divide to get H (ex. GH: 1000^3)
        "balances": [
            "coin": int,
            "coinTicker": string
            "balance": float
        "payments": [
            "address": string,
            "value": float,
            "txID": "string,
            "ticker": string,
            "coin": int,               #ID of coin
            "date": string,
            "timestamp": float
        "workers": [
            "name": string,
            "hashrate": float,
            "speedUnits": string        #KH, MH, GH, TH, ...
            "speedConversion": float    #The constant to divide to get H (ex. GH: 1000^3)
            "accepted": float,
            "rejectedPercentage": float,
            "algorithm": string,
            "blocks": int,
            "totalRewards": [
                "coin": int,
                "coinTicker": string
                "totalRewards": float
            "date": string,
            "timestamp": float,
                "value": float
                "value": float